Fixed Error on registration?


Active member
I'm trying to get a copy of what the user gets, but the server logs show:

Mysqli statement execute error : Duplicate entry 'stopForumSpam_3ab092f2d6474854749139bdae39fa80ff6e294e' for key 'PRIMARY'

Anything I can do or check whilst I wait for a copy of the user shown error? I believe the user is registering using an Android phone.

Thanks Jake.

#0 /var/www/vhosts/ Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute(Array)
#1 /var/www/vhosts/ Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array)
#2 /var/www/vhosts/ Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('INSERT INTO `xf...', Array)
#3 /var/www/vhosts/ Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert('xf_registration...', Array)
#4 /var/www/vhosts/ XenForo_Model_SpamPrevention->_cacheRegistrationDecision('stopForumSpam_3...', 0)
#5 /var/www/vhosts/ XenForo_Model_SpamPrevention->_checkSfsResult(Array, Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http))
#6 /var/www/vhosts/ XenForo_Model_SpamPrevention->_allowRegistration(Array, Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http))
#7 /var/www/vhosts/ XenForo_Model_SpamPrevention->allowRegistration(Array, Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http))
#8 /var/www/vhosts/ XenForo_ControllerPublic_Register->actionRegister()
#9 /var/www/vhosts/ XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#10 /var/www/vhosts/ XenForo_FrontController->run()
#11 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(52) ""
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["register/register"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(14) {
["username"] => string(5) "james"
["email"] => string(26) "ukguitarforum@musXXX"
["password"] => string(8) "********"
["password_confirm"] => string(8) "********"
["dob_month"] => string(2) "1"
["dob_day"] => string(2) "2"
["dob_year"] => string(4) "1"
["gender"] => string(0) ""
["timezone"] => string(13) "Europe/London"
["recaptcha_challenge_field"] => string(185) "03AHJ_Vuv1uXqtwMjGTFjyp5iR8IdN2ahv0laGrsVrCe6C_tbPFrKIVSGGBYpog2Xe4WoOZee5s-THmMxNmGuXgEVxLAEuCh6tTFcu9e5JpyFTb2sGpFuy7vpk51T9VnebrjhJ4fuRJIOz4wcc-SabAfA3C4gbtPHCkRp0kSinxmA1eGlQnVLITis"
["recaptcha_response_field"] => string(10) "are inotsv"
["agree"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
["reg_key"] => string(32) "a90d1c5cde7bd88ba6dcaf4d87c9104b"

I've amended the email address and DOB details.
Well, if you disable the StopForumSpam checks, it should prevent it. Some of the code surrounding this has changed for beta 2 though as is.
Hi Mike,

I tried disabling the option mentioned above, but he still got the error!

He then tried an email without a hyphen and he could then register, hope that helps with testing etc ... :)

Just an FYI, registrations still didn't work after updating to beta3. Cleared out the error logs, and tried again to reregister. Turns out, my error was coming from Taigachat, which I had disabled, but not uninstalled. Uninstalling the product removed the error that was blocking registration.
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