Fixed Error generated in payment log when Stripe generates payout


Well-known member
Affected version
I noticed this when checking the payment provider log:

Error: Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values.

Maybe you should get a red alert box on the admin home screen when there are payment errors? Like with server errors.

It looks like it was generated when a payout was created automatically on stripes end as the time code matches an event in the Payout page


Payment provider log
Error: Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values.
Unknown user
Yesterday at 7:39 AM
Purchase request key
Transaction ID
Subscriber ID
Payment profile
Unknown profile
Log details
array(21) {
  ["id"] => string(27) "-redacted--"
  ["object"] => string(6) "payout"
  ["amount"] => int(710)
  ["arrival_date"] => int(1520812800)
  ["automatic"] => bool(true)
  ["balance_transaction"] => string(28) "--redacted-"
  ["created"] => int(1520408366)
  ["currency"] => string(3) "gbp"
  ["description"] => string(15) "STRIPE TRANSFER"
  ["destination"] => string(27) "--redacted--"
  ["failure_balance_transaction"] => NULL
  ["failure_code"] => NULL
  ["failure_message"] => NULL
  ["livemode"] => bool(true)
  ["metadata"] => array(0) {
  ["method"] => string(8) "standard"
  ["source_type"] => string(4) "card"
  ["statement_descriptor"] => NULL
  ["status"] => string(10) "in_transit"
  ["type"] => string(12) "bank_account"
  ["eventType"] => string(14) "payout.created"
It needs to be handled as such in the code, but these kinds of things are generally safe to ignore and not really errors. Generally just means that the event isn’t relevant to us.
This is fixed for the next release. We basically skip handling certain events (well, exactly one event so far) early if it's not relevant. Let us know if you've had any other similar messages and check specifically what the "eventType" is:
["eventType"] => string(14) "payout.created"
Let us know if you see any which aren't payout.created.
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