Awaiting feedback Error during PHPBB3 import


Affected version
Getting this message after the user import portion completes:

ubuntu@ip-10-0-0-246:~/www/forum$ php cmd.php xf:import
Starting import from phpBB 3.2 (Beta)...
- Importing...
In AbstractStatement.php line 228:

MySQL statement prepare error [1054]: Unknown column 'forum_posts_approved' in 'field list'

xf:import [--processes PROCESSES] [--finalize]

Exception query:

forum_posts_approved AS forum_posts,
forum_topics_approved AS forum_topics
FROM phpbb_forums
Which version of phpBB are you importing from?

I believe the forum_posts_approved field (and possibly the other one mentioned) was introduced in phpBB 3.1. It was previously named forum_posts.

If you're importing from an earlier version of phpBB then really this is expected and we would recommend you upgrading phpBB before doing the import.
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