Implemented Email transport method: encryption: STARTTLS

I need the option to choose the STARTTLS encryption protocol in the email transport method.
Using the "PHP built-in mail system" does not work either.

It's for Office 365: port 587
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Are you sure? It doesn't work (no error messages.)

But, it works with a simple python script:
message = ...
session = smtplib.SMTP("", 587)
session.login("", "xxxx")
session.sendmail("", recipient, message.as_string())

The "Contact us" form doesn't send anything to my inbox either.

Edit got an error message now:
Swift_TransportException: Email to failed: Connection could not be established with host :stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to tcp:// (Connection refused)
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Seeing your edit, that error is well before the TLS component -- it's a network-stack-level error suggesting the connection was refused. You may need to look at your firewall/security settings for example (note that they may differ depending on the Linux user that's triggering the action). This can include SELinux settings, for example.

(For further questions, it might be best to create a new troubleshooting thread, though this particular error generally indicates something outside of XF's control.)
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