Email Subscription

Email Subscription 3.0

No permission to download

I would humbly suggest that this add-on be renamed to Daily Digest to make it more clearly a sister feature to your Weekly Digest add-on. I also think that Daily Digest has a better ring to it.

That's just a suggestion, though.

Question: If one had, say, a front page based on WordPress, as poetrycircle does, would it be possible to create a link to this daily digest add-on outside of xenforo--for example, in a WordPress widget?
This add-on no longer works for me. I've tried it both logged in as a member and as a guest. I've tried it with and without "Exclude Forums". I've checked the mail log on my server, but there is no sign of the email there. There are no relevant errors in the XF server log nor in the web server error log.
This add-on no longer works for me. I've tried it both logged in as a member and as a guest. I've tried it with and without "Exclude Forums". I've checked the mail log on my server, but there is no sign of the email there. There are no relevant errors in the XF server log nor in the web server error log.

Did you check your spam folder? I had an email go into the spam folder.
Did you check your spam folder? I had an email go into the spam folder.
No, but in any case it wouldn't be there, as I regularly receive other emails from the same email account. Andy kindly helped debug the problem, and the latest update fixed it.
No, but in any case it wouldn't be there, as I regularly receive other emails from the same email account. Andy kindly helped debug the problem, and the latest update fixed it.

Good to know. I just installed the latest update.
I just discovered, with some alarm, that the e-mail messages generated by this add-on do not respect user permissions. That is, there are threads listed in the e-mail subscription that come from boards that a user is not allowed to see.
I have installed the "Weekly digest" that is opt-out (everyone that has visited over the last 30 days is automatically subscribed) and that is great. This daily e-mail would (in my opinion) be best if it was opt-in (no one gets it unless they subscribe).

..but I see nowhere if the Daily Notification is "opt in" or "opt out"?


AndyB updated Email Subscription with a new update entry:

See description

Email Subscription v1.9 changes:

1) Problem with xf_email_subscription found. In order to correct problem ideally the add-on needs to be uninstalled and then reinstalled. Please make sure any data in the xf_email_subscription table is backed up so it can be restored into new table.

2) Updated PHP code to use prepared statements.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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