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ElasticSearch 7 on CentOS


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karll submitted a new resource:

ElasticSearch 7 on CentOS - Quick ElasticSearch install & config instructions

Xenforo Enhanced Search depends on ElasticSearch 2.0+. Installing and configuring ElasticSearch so it works with XF might be a challenge, so I have put together some quick instructions for installing it on CentOS 7. With some tweaks the instructions should probably work on other versions of CentOS/Fedora/Redhat and derived distros as well.

All the commands assume you are the root user or that you run the instructions with sudo.

We'll install the ElasticSearch yum repo so that you can...

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Sorry about that, I swear I did a search to look for existing guides, but came up empty-handed. I'll probably rewrite my instructions to work with other distros as well.
My instructions worked last time I tried.

Note that my instructions include steps for security - actually setting a password (have you read all the stories about hacked ElasticSearch instances?) and does not require disabling SELinux :)
Nice guide, thank you. after I activating security with login and password I have warning in elasticsearch logs:
Transport SSL must be enabled if security is enabled on a [basic] license. Please set [] to [true] or disable security by setting [] to [false]

Could you give step by step guide how to activate SSL support with SSL certificates. Thanks!
where should I change the memory usage size?

in my file jvm.options this appears

View attachment 249035
To clarify, you can uncomment and set the desired size right there in the jvm.options file, but best practice is to create a file in the directory mentioned in your screenshot. I think they mean /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options.d/ - you can probably give the file any name you want, but probably something with .options extension would make the most sense.
where should I change the memory usage size?

in my file jvm.options this appears

View attachment 249035

You should copy jvm.optons to jvm.options.d (this should of happened by itself, but if it didn't create it yourself). Then from now on make all your Elasticsearch changes in jvm.options.d. The jvm.options.d settings override settings in jvm.options.

The most important thing is the jvm.options.d file will NOT be overwritten when Elasticsearch updates. The jvm.options settings could be overwritten on Elasticsearch version updates, possibly causing breaking changes.
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