Well-known member
This is tutorial for upgrading elasticsearch 7.* on centos, WHM.
If I am missing something, please post here.
I tried to upgrade from 7.5.* to latest version at this moment (7.17.19) in WHM, using rpm
This is what i did
(tested with XenForo Enhanced Search 2.2.2)
If I am missing something, please post here.
I tried to upgrade from 7.5.* to latest version at this moment (7.17.19) in WHM, using rpm
This is what i did
- Download latest version at this moment which is 7.17.19
curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.17.19-x86_64.rpm
- Stop the old one
sudo service elasticsearch stop
- Upgrade
sudo rpm -Uvh elasticsearch-7.17.19-x86_64.rpm
- Restart the elasticsearch
systemctl daemon-reload sudo service elasticsearch start
- Verify the latest version is installed
curl -X GET "localhost:9200"
(tested with XenForo Enhanced Search 2.2.2)