Not a bug Editor issue: line-breaks, hover-style in next line


Well-known member
when copy/paste some text.

then entering some additional "line breaks", these additional "line breaks" are not applying anymore when you "edit" the post again. The "line breaks" just disappear.

there is also the issue of "hover style" (link style) showing up in the next line when you hover over a Link.
this seems to be related to "line breaks" somehow as well.

The issue occurs when you hit the "Enter"-key after a linked text (a "Link") in the Editor.


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Issue #2 you posted about before and it was a situation where the link actually extended to the next line, so the display would be expected.

Issue #1 doesn't appear to be related to #2 or the title of the thread, but at the least we would need direct steps to reproduce it (specifically what you're copying and what you're doing in the editor).
Issue #2 you posted about before and it was a situation where the link actually extended to the next line, so the display would be expected.

yeah, I reported this issue previously, but as far as I remember it was related to images (when you hover over a "linked" image).
Now I see this issue as well with normal "Links" (linked text).
I guess you deem this as "as designed", but it looks strange.

Issue #1 doesn't appear to be related to #2 or the title of the thread, but at the least we would need direct steps to reproduce it (specifically what you're copying and what you're doing in the editor).

yeah, it is not related.
If you like I can give you access to my website where you can edit the specific thread at which this is accouring.

I am just hitting the "Enter"-key in order to have more empty lines in a given text. When I hit "Save Changes"-button, the entered empty lines appear fine in the thread-text.
When I click "Edit" again in order to edit the thread again, the "empty lines" within the text are gone.
Meaning: the text-format (empty lines) disappears once you hit "Edit" in order to edit the thread-text.

I am still running on XF version 1.3.1 so I am not sure if there have been any changes regarding this in the meantime.
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