eBay Partner Network Ads


Well-known member
Anytime an EPN banner is displayed, I get freeze ups when clicking any xenforo links that has a popup. Ex (Login, Member name, etc). I tested this in Chrome, FF, Opera, and IE with a custom style and the default style. When Adsense banners are displayed, there are no issues.

Any ideas?
To the top. I really need to figure out why this is happening before I move another vB site over to XF.
Another thing I noticed is the html that I use to to center my ads doesn't work when an EPN banner is served. I even bypassed the ad server code and put the EPN banner code directly in the template. Same problems.

<div style="text-align:center"> AD SERVER ZONE CODE </div>

Something in the EPN banner code is not playing nice with XF.
Anytime an EPN banner is displayed, I get freeze ups when clicking any xenforo links that has a popup
It could be a JavaScript conflict.

I'm not familiar with EPN ads though so can't really offer any advice other than ensure you aren't adding another jquery version with the ad code.
It could be a JavaScript conflict.

I'm not familiar with EPN ads though so can't really offer any advice other than ensure you aren't adding another jquery version with the ad code.

Here is what the EPN banner code looks like:

<script type="text/javascript" src='http://adn.ebay.com/files/js/min/jquery-1.6.2-min.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='http://adn.ebay.com/files/js/min/ebay_activeContent-min.js'></script>
<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript">
document.write('\x3Cscript type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="http://adn.ebay.com/cb?programId=1&campId=5330000000&toolId=10026&keyword=%28Alienware%2Cvideo+card%29&width=728&height=90&font=1&textColor=000000&linkColor=0000AA&arrowColor=8BBC01&color1=709AEE&color2=[COLORTWO]&format=ImageLink&contentType=TEXT_AND_IMAGE&enableSearch=y&usePopularSearches=n&freeShipping=n&topRatedSeller=n&itemsWithPayPal=n&descriptionSearch=n&showKwCatLink=n&excludeCatId=&excludeKeyword=&catId=175673%2C177%2C179&disWithin=200&ctx=n&autoscroll=n&flashEnabled=' + isFlashEnabled + '&pageTitle=' + _epn__pageTitle + '&cachebuster=' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000 )) + '">\x3C/script>' );
I removed the the first line.
<script type="text/javascript" src='http://adn.ebay.com/files/js/min/jquery-1.6.2-min.js'></script>
The ad is still showing and there are no more problems. Thanks Brogan!
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