XF 2.0 Easier to translate XF 2.0? Any tips for translating?


Well-known member
Translating Xenforo has always been challange. The phrasing system isn't designed for translating/editing all of the phrases. It works great for editing a few phrases here and there, but editing all of them is a hassle to say the least.

I'm thinking of starting over with XF 2.0 to make the translation more consistent than our current one (and make it 100% complete).

Has things improved with XF 2.0 vs 1.0? If not - has anyone found a way of making it a bit easier? Still no .po/mo export/import support I take it?

Any tips on making things easier would sure be appreciated :)
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Worth noting that we do have a new translation interface which is designed to allow you to change phrases in bulk. (There may be a bug in beta 4 which is blocking access to this.)
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