Does XenForo 1 have a category helper?


New member
Seen it on a site I was browsing the other day. It's under the forums header with another header stating "Forums, Last Post". Is this something you can toggle on/off in XenForo 1? Or is this not part of XenForo 1 and something the site added to the template themselves?
This doesn't answer my question. I've seen a XenForo 1 design with the category helper. Is this a feature in XenForo 1 or was it edited in for this specific design?
In XF2 you can hack the following HTML templates to add the subtitle bar you want right below the category header.


P.S.: These two templates share a lot of things, making me wonder why they were made as two separate templates.
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In XF2 you can hack the following HTML templates to add the subtitle bar you want right below the category header.


P.S.: These two templates share a lot of things, making me wonder why they were made as two separate templates.

Thanks but this isn't what I'm asking. I'm just asking whether the category helper is part of XenForo 1 or whether the design I saw manually added it themselves
XF officials urged me to stop providing support in this thread due to the unlicensed status in your current forum account.
I have moved my contributions above to a resource page which is accessible to licensed XenForo users only.

It is already the age of XF2 now. Almost no one here cares about XF1.
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