Do you use one space or two?

I remember teachers in high school and professors back in the day requiring double spaced sentences and lines. I'm not sure what the current outlook on that is these days. Anyone have a highschooler or college student?

I don't use double spaces between sentences now, just a single space, and 1.2-1.5 spacing between lines.
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I remember teachers in high school and professors back in the day requiring double spaced sentences and lines. I'm not sure what the current outlook on that is these days. Anyone have a highschooler or college student?

I don't use double spaces between sentences now, just a single space, and 1.2-1.5 spacing between lines.
Double spacing lines is standard MLA practice. I used it all through high school and now in college (though APA might be different -- I've not used it much). I'm in college now for secondary education & English -- one of the primary reasons English teachers (or any teacher) likes double spacing is because it leaves room for notes, revisions, and corrections. I tutor sometimes and revising a single spaced paper is an absolute nightmare.
One space unless i'm writing a letter, then two.

That is always what I have been taught to be correct. /shrugs

There's no need to use two anymore.

I understand that two spaces were used when we only had monospaced fonts (where an i and m take up the same space) so an extra space was needed purely for visual break in the content.

These days we mostly use proportional fonts (where the characters all take up different widths), two spaces aren't needed.

Though, it's understandable that some of you still use two spaces, old habits die hard.
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Two, I also learned to type at an early age on manual typewriters and our teachers were very strict, you never forget the double spacing when you had an old biddy with a decided lack of humour, eagle eyes and a tongue so sharp it could pierce steel armour prowling the classroom looking for any errors.
I think I normally do two. It is a habit. I'm also use to the double tap adding a period on a cell phone. So it can drive me nuts for a few minutes when I jump on the computer and it won't add it for me.


I didn't notice that xenForo stole my space. All of those wasted keystrokes that I will never get back. All the extra wear and tear on my thumb. All for nothing. I'm still going to do it. It would be a pain to change the way I do it.
My wife uses two, I use one. Similar argument is do you use a comma after the second to last item in a comma delimited list. (this, that, or those OR which, who and where)

Different school teachers teach different ways. I dont think there is a right way.
That's the serial or "Oxford" comma:

I use it all the time.
I didn't realize people didn't use that as the norm. I know some of the people in this thread are US based so there is a bit of wondering on my behalf as to whether the disagreements are based upon regional school districts using different standards or whether a lot of things have changed since I last stepped foot into a school.
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I'm a big advocate for the Oxford comma, to me it's a far more serious issue than spacing (which is formatting more than anything else). Omitting the Oxford comma often makes items appear compound when they're not meant to be, and generally creates confusing sentences. I'm studying to become a secondary school English teacher... suffice to say my students will be using the Oxford comma. ;)
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