XF 1.5 Do not have permission to POST


Hy Everyone.

I'm encountering a weird problem , Boards are showing me that I do not have permission to post a topic , I'm Super admin and I should by default have all the privileges but yet I cant post, I have check the permissions of boards and also permission of usergroup admin and both says I'm allowed to to post a topic but whenever I got to boards I just cant post anything, I have recently bought XenForo and just setting up the site but I'm unable to

Thanx for reading , any help is greatly appreciated
Take Care
What error do you receive when you attempt to post a thread or reply?

If you don't have permission then the new thread button or editor won't appear at all.
You can use the permissions analyzer to determine why.

You likely have an incorrect permission setting somewhere, or there's an add-on involved, in which case you may need to disable them all to check.
well I just deleted teh default boards and made a new category and a new forums in it and it worked wonder what was wrong with the default ones Thanx for all the support my friends please mark this topic as solved
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