XF 2.3 Do attachment thumbnails not support webp?


Well-known member
I've noticed that attachment thumbnails do not support webp. Any reason why that is or will there be support for those too? Do I need to add this as a suggestion or could it be a bug?
Are you basing this on the actual information inside the image file or the extension of the file?

Worth noting that the extension will always be .jpg no matter what the underlying file type is.
Are you basing this on the actual information inside the image file or the extension of the file?

Worth noting that the extension will always be .jpg no matter what the underlying file type is.
For example, this here is the full attachment url: https://www.adminintel.com/test321/index.php?attachments/saturnalia-tips-webp.23/

And this is the thumbnail url: https://www.adminintel.com/test321/data/attachments/0/23-cf9618eddaf14cdaf064ea1ab9fe9667.jpg

Inspecting it in the console looks as if though thumbnails are still .jpg files and don't support webp as full attachments do. Hope this makes sense.

Edit: When I save the full attachment image, it saves as webp. When I save the thumbnail attachment, it saves a .jpg. So it looks like it doesn't support it which is unfortunate.
I noticed that when optimising, the time/date of thumbnails is updated as with the actual attachments, ie they have actually been processed in one way or another.

I can't tell what the actual file type is. Mac finder information just says it's whatever file type the extension is. So if I take a )known) webp file and change the extension to jpg then finder tells me it's a jpg.

So how do we actually know the file type?

One thing I found was that the folders within /data/attachments (thumbnails) seems to be slightly larger after optimising. Also the files get renamed. I'll attach them here as zipped so that they don't get optimised on uploading

Original thumbnail from live 2.2.15 forum(2698 bytes) is attached name 3-0ffff72b872c1fda398ad693b1da02f5.jpg

Optimised thumbnail from test 2.3.0.beta 3 (3186 bytes) attached name 3-bf6e4643b296041be2406f7e586d7b00.jpg

If it actually ends up larger it seems we'd be better off not having thumbnails optimised


Last edited:
My unscientific way to test is upload the optimised thumbnail to my live 2.2.15 forum. The image (with .jpg extension) does appear to be webp because it shows very briefly then I get this error:

Screenshot 2024-04-06 at 12.41.17.webp
Open it with a program that can show file metadata (like IrfanView) or with a text editor and look at the beginning; JPEG usually starts with JFIF at byte 5, WebP with WEBP at byte 9.
Yeah I tried that and found that both avatars and thumbnail attachments are showing as JPEG in the metadata.
thumbnail attachments are showing as JPEG in the metadata.
I found the optimised thumbnail shows as webp in texteditor


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Same one before optimising3-0ffff72b872c1fda398ad693b1da02f5.webp

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This is a WebP image.

ˇÿˇ‡JFIFˇ˛;CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 85
This is a JPEG image.
So ... seems to be fine to me.

This is a WebP image.

This is also a WebP image.
Are you basing this on the actual information inside the image file or the extension of the file?

Worth noting that the extension will always be .jpg no matter what the underlying file type is.
So even if it's a png, gif or webp, the extension will show as .jpg, correct? Wouldn't that make optimizing images more difficult?
I wouldn't expect it would make such things difficult. These tools should base their optimisation on the contents of the file, rather than the extension.

The difficult part is that there's a bunch of metadata stored in the database which would be incorrect if you took external approaches such as these. Significant one being the file size we store which get passed into the Content-Length header when outputting in the browser.
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