XF 2.3 Displaying buttons with only icons


Well-known member
I'm trying to update some things in my add-ons before the official release and I've ran into a small issue.

Before I could use <xf:button href="" class="button--cta"><xf:fa icon="fa-star" /></xf:button> and it'd produce the following, which is what I want.

Screenshot 2024-06-07 171055.webp

In XF 2.3, that same code produces this:

Screenshot 2024-06-07 170739.webp

Small difference, yes, but it looks silly with that small star compared to the edit icon in the next button over.

I also tried using <xf:button href="" class="button--cta" fa="fa-star" />, but that produced the following, which is even worse.

Screenshot 2024-06-07 170659.webp

I'm tempted to say this might be a bug, but I really don't know. In any case, is there a way to get something similar to what I had in XF 2.2 back, with XF 2.3, without making some custom CSS edits?
The former supplies the star as if it were the button text, the latter applies it as a proper icon but it looks odd because there isn't any accompanying text.

You probably want:
<xf:button href="" class="button--cta button--iconOnly" fa="fa-star" />

It's probably worth adding some hidden text for accessibility, either with a browser tooltip (title="Star") or nested text (<span class="u-srOnly">Star</span>).
The former supplies the star as if it were the button text, the latter applies it as a proper icon but it looks odd because there isn't any accompanying text.

You probably want:
<xf:button href="" class="button--cta button--iconOnly" fa="fa-star" />

It's probably worth adding some hidden text for accessibility, either with a browser tooltip (title="Star") or nested text (<span class="u-srOnly">Star</span>).

It's almost as if you know what you're doing here! Thank you! That worked perfectly.
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