XF 1.4 Displaying age - a nightmare..


Well-known member
My forums are very dependent on user ages.
As such, I am having a nightmare getting year of birth - displayed, while omitting the actual date of birth!

My users certainly don't wish to display their full dob, but definitely do want to display year of birth.
We have both options; display month and day and then display year.

I untick display day and month, for obvious privacy, but then the year disappears...
This is something I can't really do without as it is an absolute must.!

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong and if there is set order or something for this?
Or a magic button etc ;)
Many thanks
But the options are there to allow, year of birth but not day and month...
Surely it's safe to say that people won't mind showing they are, say 38, but not 1st of January 1977?
If the options are available as administrators, why don't they function?
Or, is it a bug or redundant?

Seems very odd that we have the options to display year, and month /day - but they don't actually display. Unless you wish the full DOB to be shown, which is obviously not advisable.
I think they used to be selectable independently, but later the "Show year of birth" was made selectable only if "Show day and month of birth" was selected, but was never reflected in the ACP.

I do also prefer be able to just show the age though: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/does-show-year-of-birth-work-as-intended.1663/

Absolutely spot on. This is a serious(ish) kind of issue for me. As my users are heavily based upon age, due to all sorts of things.
So, displaying year of birth - you know, age, is important..
DOB is absurd to display.

So the bug is closed and any further developments or is it a case of, that's it?
Thanks for the reply and link. Appreciated :)
Most likely if anything is changed it will just be the ACP updated like mentioned above. :( You'd probably have to make a separate suggestion for what you require (if one was not already made).

Or, as suggested, pay for custom development - just to display year of birth without revealing the full DOB - when the options exist.... wow...
Another £50-250 addon en-route then!
I solved this issue with Custom User Fields.

First, delete in register_form and in user profile the date of birth fields.

Then create a custom user field (dropdownbox) and manually add 116 choices: 1900 - 2015.

Then make the custom user field required and people will be able to choose birth of year instead the full date. So everything stays anonymous but still the year of birth will be displayed in user profiles.
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But the options are there to allow, year of birth but not day and month...
Not exactly - from my looking at the option, the display year is a sub-option of display day/month. If the day/month is not selected, then the sub-option is not available. If it was an equivalent option, it would not be stepped inward to the right but be on the same line as the tick for the day/month.
Do I wish it worked the way you are asking about? Yes, I do, but I realized that it didn't and just hope that some day either it will be coded to have year only as an option, or just the age without any m/d/y display.
I solved this issue with Custom User Fields.

First, delete in register_form and in user profile the date of birth fields.

Then create a custom user field (dropdownbox) and manually add 115 choices: 1900 - 2015.

Then make the custom user field required and people will be able to choose birth of year instead the full date. So everything stays anonymous but still the year of birth will be displayed in user profiles.

Very interesting to know! Thanks.
I've a similar issue with gender fields, and have done pretty much the same thing.
So have extended gender fields using this method.
Never thought of doing it like this for age.
Nice one. ;)
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