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Display User's Age in Message User Info 1.0.1

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Hi Chris,
Is that extension work for latest version xenforo platform.
We tried but it doesn't work
It was written for version 1.1.3 and works on all currently supported versions of XenForo.

You'l have to be a bit more specific on the problems you're having...

Have you actually enabled it?

Admin CP > Appearance > Styles Properties > Message Elements
Yes, i enabled "display user age" in message elements options.
I can see user age in tapatalk mobile "author's profile "
I've just been all through the code for this.

There's really not many places this can go wrong.

The add-on honours the user's privacy settings so it won't automatically show up.

Three things need to happen for this add-on to work:

1) You need to enable it (as you have done) in Message Elements
2) Your user needs to have the "Show year of birth" option ticked in their Privacy Settings:

3) And obviously they need to have configured their year of birth in the first place (which is optional).

If you've confirmed that all three of those things are happening, then you might need to let me have a look at your site.
I've just noticed a possible bug :D

Could you try uploading the attached file to:

<xenforo root>/library/DisplayUserAge

And overwrite the existing Listener.php

Let me know if it starts working


Is this a resource manager bug? The rm remember the original username?

A possible plus for this addon could be, visualize after the age how many days remain to the birthday.
Yes it is a resource manager bug. I released this under the name of Yorick then I recently changed my name and for some reason the RM keeps referring to me as Yorick on older releases. It's been reported as a bug.

That's not a bad suggestion, actually.

How should it be visualised? Should it literally say: Days until birthday: 365 - or something?
Works great but I think add-on needs an update for 1.2 pairsJustified;

<xen:if is="!{xen:property displayUserAge}">
<xen:elseif is="{$user.show_dob_year}" />
    <dl class="pairsJustified">
        <dt>{xen:phrase age}:</dt>
        <dd>{xen:helper userage, $user}</dd>

And it will fix dl class problem in message user info.
Works great but I think add-on needs an update for 1.2 pairsJustified;

<xen:if is="!{xen:property displayUserAge}">
<xen:elseif is="{$user.show_dob_year}" />
    <dl class="pairsJustified">
        <dt>{xen:phrase age}:</dt>
        <dd>{xen:helper userage, $user}</dd>

And it will fix dl class problem in message user info.

Yes, that should be changed otherwise some visual issues appear. (for XenForo 1.2)
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