XF 2.2 Display partial content?


Does anyone know if there's a way to show PARTIAL content on an article if a user is not a member of a particular group? For example, if a user accesses an article as "REGISTERED" or "UNREGISTERED", they see what is displayed below, but if they are in a specific group, can see the entire content? Basically, a paywall concept for articles.

^^^ it works great but it's not exactly what you are looking for this mod lets people view a set number of full pages per day then forces to register but lets bots in like google because I guess they don't have javascript enabled
^^^ it works great but it's not exactly what you are looking for this mod lets people view a set number of full pages per day then forces to register but lets bots in like google because I guess they don't have javascript enabled
Getting closer, but yeah, this wouldn't function as the paywall I'm hoping for.
Create a forum only guests see. But this is an RSS feed of your article forum which they do not have permission to. They click the RSS snippet to read more and get the message to join. Regular members do not see this forum.
Sorry, I copied the wrong addon link :D

I meant this one by the same developer:

It's functionality is quite similar to what you are asking for. Advanced users can bypass it tough, because the text is essentially there, but only blurred.
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