Well-known member
On our KH-Flare 2014 and KH-Flare 2016 styles, there's a display issue with the arrows only on Chrome, and I can't figure out what the issue is as it appears fine on KH-Flare 2015.
KH-Flare 2014:
KH-Flare 2015:
Link: (Choose KH-Flare 2014 in the style chooser.)
Only logged in members can see profile posts, so please use this account:
If needed, I can also grant temporary visibility to KH-Flare 2016.
Edit: Even more odd is that in regard to KH-Flare 2016 [Dark] and KH-Flare 2016 [Light], particularly, they are children of the framework, but the framework doesn't have this issue.
KH-Flare 2014:
KH-Flare 2015:
Link: (Choose KH-Flare 2014 in the style chooser.)
Only logged in members can see profile posts, so please use this account:
- Username: Test User
- Password: test
If needed, I can also grant temporary visibility to KH-Flare 2016.
Edit: Even more odd is that in regard to KH-Flare 2016 [Dark] and KH-Flare 2016 [Light], particularly, they are children of the framework, but the framework doesn't have this issue.
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