DISCONTINUED: [8WR] XenUtiles (Tools)

DISCONTINUED: [8WR] XenUtiles (Tools) 1.2.2

No permission to download
I am getting this on my Firefox 9.01:

http://8wayrun.com/data/sitemaps/forums_1.xml 2012-01-29T04:01:00+00:00 http://8wayrun.com/data/sitemaps/threads_1.xml 2012-01-29T04:01:00+00:00 http://8wayrun.com/data/sitemaps/members_1.xml 2012-01-29T04:01:00+00:00 http://8wayrun.com/data/sitemaps/media_1.xml 2012-01-29T04:01:00+00:00 http://8wayrun.com/data/sitemaps/wiki_1.xml 2012-01-29T04:01:00+00:00

Thanks for this addon (including sitemap). After a week of having sitemap active, Google have indexed 105540 of 107783 urls submitted :)

Just a suggestion re the Account spam finder, is there a way to mark accounts as "trusted" so they are removed from the spam finder list ? If not, can this be considered for a future release ?
On that same note, I think those 10 "votes" have to come within that 24 hour timeframe, or whatever the Site Admin sets it at.
Actually, I just downvoted one of my threads, and you get a pop-up box:


That definitely solves it.

First off, Newbiehole. LOL.

I think you were expecting that 8wayrun.com/sitemap was a DEMO of XenUtiles, as it is labelled as such.
In actual fact it is more of an example of results generated by XenUtiles. :) I think the problem was a language barrier ... not a newbie error :).

Every day when we get the "Account Confirmation Required" e-mail, it's got the four sections to it for new users waiting confirmation.

What exactly is the section for "The following users are also unconfirmed, but have not been emailed:" telling me???

Why haven't they been e-mailed? How do I e-mail them? Is there anything that I need to do for these users?

That's not a default feature. It must be from an add-on.

[Brogan beat me :(]
Umm... I have no idea. AFAIK, the system has been sending me these since day one. I just thought everyone got the same e-mails. Didn't know it was an add-on feature, but looking at my list of add-ons, I suppose it could be "XenUtiles". I have most of his work loaded..

Still don't know what it means though.
It comes from XenUtiles in their options

Unconfirmed Cutoff
How many days to give a new user to confirm their email address before automatically deleting their account. Periodic emails will automatically be sent out. (0 to disable)
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