hello everyone,
i cannot seem to find the option to disable thread creation in the Category
i want them only to be allowed to post in the given forums created in the Category
see picture bellow.
thanks in advance!
Your options are to create a new category and move all of the forums to it (and delete the existing parent forum), or revoke permission for the registered user group to post threads in the parent forum and allow it for each child forum.
hmm, it seems like i did how can i overlook that... so now i just disable the post threads on the created forum but allowed on the sub-forums that would work right?
I think it's possible as I did it for my forum
Just go to the category you want to disable making new threads then u will see a tab there called forum options, click on that and uncheck the first option and click save forum button. It's done , users will not be able to create threads there but they can make threads inside the forums sections. Hope this is what you wanted?
haha thanks ^_^ yeah that's what i wanted i have found it , just been working on it for full days....and sometimes i'm just lost
thanks anyways! have a nice day
haha thanks ^_^ yeah that's what i wanted i have found it , just been working on it for full days....and sometimes i'm just lost
thanks anyways! have a nice day
i do have some issues, not sure if i (again) overlooked something
so i disabled posting in the created forum but it's now allowed in the sub-forums, the problem is, i myself as admin is not allowed also haha..
also, the note permissions have been updated with full access... yet still I'm not allowed.. see screenshots
Your options are to create a new category and move all of the forums to it (and delete the existing parent forum), or revoke permission for the registered user group to post threads in the parent forum and allow it for each child forum.
Your options are to create a new category and move all of the forums to it (and delete the existing parent forum), or revoke permission for the registered user group to post threads in the parent forum and allow it for each child forum.