Disable AJAX Loading GIF and alert fadeout/fadein


Active member
I recently decided to move my JS from JQuery Ajax function to XenForo's one. The result does exactly what I want : it refresh the alerts and private messages count each time a request is made.
Except that each time a request is made, there is the loading gif on the edge of my board and the alert count fade in and out. As I can request up to 2 requests per second, you may have understood that this makes a constant blink on the alerts count and a permanent loading gif.
I read an old thread (https://xenforo.com/community/threads/disable-the-ajax-loading-gif-for-most-default-actions.62090/) about why we are still using the gif, still I would like to be able to disable it on my own requests only (as I do know they don't take any time to process and I assume that the server is not overloaded).

Is there any way I can do this?
When you pass options into XenForo.ajax(), set "global" to false and it won't trigger the progress indicator.
Worked perfectly to disable the progress indicator. Do you have any way to disable alert's opacity change ?
Alright, while I am looking for a better way I will just rewrite XenForo.balloonCounterUpdate.
Thanks for your answers.
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