[DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics

[DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics 1.1.1

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That is a constant in Sodium. So if that constant isn’t there, Sodium isn’t installed. What version of Sodium does it say is installed for you?
Can't save tracking 2 user groups, whether guests/unregistered or otherwise if registered is saved.


First one saved


Attempting to save second one.




If I remove the groups and save...


Then try to save both at once again (instead of save one, then open it to save a 2nd).


It doesn't save and still get this.


And, then it won't let me change it to registered and save it again with just the one group. I get this again.


Xenforo 2.3.2
Yes, same on 2.3.3
I went back and saw that we were tracking 4 usergroups. Moving them out to track only registered usergroup. Saved it but it shows nothing tracked.
Looks like it's a XenForo bug with their Nestable function. See:

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Not sure what's going on with your install of PHP, but SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES is a predefined constant of Sodium no matter what the version of PHP that's installed. So if that's missing, something is definitely mucked somehow with that extension in your PHP setup.

I also just double checked the PHP source, and it's in there (registered if the Sodium extension is compiled in):

It's also part of the simple test PHP does on itself to make sure it compiled properly:

Honestly, I'm not really sure how or why it would be, but the only thing I can think of is somehow you have a non-standard Sodium extension that had the source code altered before it was compiled. Again, not sure why someone would ever do that, but nothing else I can think of that would result in the Sodium extension being installed without the SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES constant.
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