[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

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Anyone else seeing this error?
workers.api.error.entitlement (Code: 10014)

View attachment 293467
I saw it a bunch earlier but it didn’t seem to matter for what I was doing. The entitlement endpoint just gives info about what your account can do (is entitled to) as far as Cloudflare services. I think they use it to show or hide different things in the dashboard navigation.
The deep links are these links to the cloudflare dashboard, Cloudflare just updated the URL so they didn't exactly work correctly until digitalpoint fixed them just now.

View attachment 293465

And the workers update just uses cloudflare's new recommended ES module style of code instead of their older service worker style. Cloudflare claims the module style to be more efficient, but it probably isn't too significant.

As for getting it to update, I had to disable the image proxy in the XF App, then go to my workers in Cloudflare dash, delete the worker for the image proxy, and then go back into the XF App and re-enable the image proxy. That automatically updated the url proxy worker as well.

I didn't think this addon actually created and deployed workers on CF at all unless @digitalpoint got all fancy on us recently. :)
they might not appear instantly. but they do appear for me after a few minutes. same thing happened when i cleaned up old workers and reenabled the option after latest update as suggested by dev to migrate to the new mechanism being used now! i can even see stats now though i never noticed old workers having stats though i could be mistaken!
Not planned, no. If they ever support sending email directly with a Worker and not just using a Worker for a third party commercial service, maybe.

There’s really no reason to use a Worker with Mailchannels unless you are building an app on top of Workers and need to send email from within that app. Why use a Worker as an API endpoint when you can just use Mailchannels as the endpoint?
I just turned on R2 and ran the migration, but am seeing broken avatar thumbnails. What am I missing?

Hard to say without knowing the URL. If you migrated existing avatars with something other than the tool it comes with (the cmd.php CLI tool), most likely whatever tool you used put them in the wrong place in the R2 bucket. The “paths” are important. See this post:

Hard to say without knowing the URL. If you migrated existing avatars with something other than the tool it comes with (the cmd.php CLI tool), most likely whatever tool you used put them in the wrong place in the R2 bucket. The “paths” are important. See this post:

Apologies, I used your native CLI tool.
So this is probably a big clue. The URL looks like this, which doesn't work:


But if I take that string off the end, it works fine.

@fly the URL you sent me works for me (even with the number in it). My guess is you had the external data URL set before the data was actually moved and it's cached in your browser from a request your browser made before it was moved to R2 and/or it's cached in Cloudflare's network edge for the same reason. Try flushing your browser cache, and if that doesn't fix it for you, purge the Cloudflare cache for your zone.
digitalpoint updated [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare® with a new update entry:

API calls for settings are run in parallel

  • The API calls necessary to build the Cloudflare settings page are now run in parallel (it's currently 10 API calls that were previously made sequentially). Viewing (and editing) settings is significantly faster now (it's as fast as the single slowest API call, rather than as slow as all 10 API calls added together).
  • Added more sanity checks for unexpected Cloudflare API results
  • Fixed issue where old public domains wouldn't get enabled when setting up R2 bucket for...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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