[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

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Will there be any issues with other caching plugins?
There shouldn't be, no. This one is able to cache upstream of your server (at the network level) so things like cached HTML pages are served from the Cloudflare data center closest to the user. You would effectively just be hitting the server cache whenever the network edge cache pulls from the origin. It's probably not really necessary to have a downstream cache at the server level, but it should work fine if you want to do it that way.

It's running on https://shawnhogan.com/ (without any other caching systems if you want to speed test it or something).

It's also running on these two sites as well:


I have used rclone to upload all data,attachments and xfmg and the images are displaying. However when clicking on an image I get the error below.

In addition, if I try and download an image i get the error

<Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>

Further, as we are testing on a dev server, once we are ready to move to production is it possible to change R2 to use our main domain and not the dev.oursite.com subdomain ? If it easy to change rather than upload all the data again to R2 ?
Lastly, will rclone upload the added attachments once we move to production or will it simply upload all the data again ?

Thank you.


  • Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 9.06.07 am.webp
    Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 9.06.07 am.webp
    5.7 KB · Views: 9
Either the object in question didn’t get uploaded, or (most likely) didn’t get uploaded with the right key. The key is part that looks like a path/filename. If you post a screenshot of what your path/names look like from your R2 bucket from Cloudflare’s dashboard, it should be easy to spot (missing or extra “folder” at beginning is probably the issue).

You can change the public domain of your bucket, yes (I think that’s the question?).

I believe rclone has a sync option, but I don’t personally use it, so probably better to check rclone’s documentation for more definitive answer on that.
Either the object in question didn’t get uploaded, or (most likely) didn’t get uploaded with the right key. The key is part that looks like a path/filename. If you post a screenshot of what your path/names look like from your R2 bucket from Cloudflare’s dashboard, it should be easy to spot (missing or extra “folder” at beginning is probably the issue).

You can change the public domain of your bucket, yes (I think that’s the question?).

I believe rclone has a sync option, but I don’t personally use it, so probably better to check rclone’s documentation for more definitive answer on that.

thank you for that information.

I think looking at one of your other posts there needs to be a path /attachments , data ect at the beginning which if you look at the screenshot we dont have. I am a little unsure how to add this as using rclone I used the command below.

rclone sync /var/www/html/REDACTED/community/internal_data/attachments/ r2:/attachments/ --verbose --transfers 20

If anyone else knows how to ensure the correct path is added that would be helpfuil.


  • Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 9.23.38 am.webp
    Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 9.23.38 am.webp
    102.6 KB · Views: 9
I'm not 100% sure (again, I don't use rclone myself), but from the looks of it, I think this is what you are after:

rclone sync /var/www/html/REDACTED/community/internal_data/attachments/ r2:/attachments/attachments/ --verbose --transfers 20

The r2: part is r2:/{bucket name}/{path}/

You just happened to name your bucket "attachments" to add to the confusion there?

So the command you gave had no path... so stuff just went to the root of the bucket.
I'm not 100% sure (again, I don't use rclone myself), but from the looks of it, I think this is what you are after:

rclone sync /var/www/html/REDACTED/community/internal_data/attachments/ r2:/attachments/attachments/ --verbose --transfers 20

The r2: part is r2:/{bucket name}/{path}/

You just happened to name your bucket "attachments" to add to the confusion there?

So the command you gave had no path... so stuff just went to the root of the bucket.
That makes a lot of sense. Ill give that a go. Thank you again :)
Cloudflare Fonts seems pretty cool if you are using Google Fonts for anything. Some info on it here: https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-fonts-enhancing-website-privacy-speed/

It's a toggle you can turn on and off (that's all you need to do), where it will convert use of Google Fonts into something served from your own domain, with less HTTP requests rather than Google's domain.

As an example, it's in-use here: https://appforcf.com/

The template for that page contains:
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com">
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" crossorigin>
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Outfit:wght@400;700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

Normally that causes 4 HTTP requests to various Google domains for CSS and the underlying font files. With Cloudflare Fonts enabled, it's reduced to a single HTTP requests to your own domain (which can be multiplexed with HTTP/2 or HTTP/3) with better cache control. Definitely makes things faster. The single HTTP request ends up being to:


You can open up DevTools in your browser and look at the underlying HTTP requests if you want.

If you use Google Fonts, Cloudflare has a new setting to make using that font faster/more secure.
hehe. this is how i find out that it is finally launched. cloudflare announced it last month and just said it would be available sometime in october. also thanks for pointing out where the setting is actually available in cloudflare dashboard. i would have never found it myself lol. 🤣
i am not seeing cf-fonts based font in network tab in dev tools though. i wonder what could be the problem lol.

font is still served from google domain.


nothing to do with this addon of course 😛
i am not seeing cf-fonts based font in network tab in dev tools though. i wonder what could be the problem lol.

font is still served from google domain.


nothing to do with this addon of course 😛
Not sure... I did see some people say it didn't work on their site (on Cloudflare's Discord server, not here), but didn't see if anyone figured it out. It worked fine/as expected on the two sites I tried it on. Maybe the functionality is a slow rollout by Cloudflare account and I just got lucky? 🤷🏻‍♂️

I did go back and check, and it looks like it's now working on the site that it wasn't working on yesterday. Maybe just takes awhile after setting the option?
yeah. i would see if it changes with time. probably being rolled out slowly. thanks for the quick update and alert! i do wonder though if this would fix the issue (on my board?) if you use a google font for post content. i can easily see font changing when a new thread is posted. it takes a split second. it shouldn't happen if the font has already pre-loaded with the page or is already in cache. also if google is only fetching certain alphabets from the font on page load as the link above (gNMZW3F-SZuj7zOT0IfSjTS16cPh9R-ptRtN) suggests. what happens if you use a different alphabet in a new post on the thread. kind of goes above my head tbh.
I haven't tested it too much (like if they are prefetched or anything), but it definitely had a measurable improvement on the page I used it on. Even with XenForo 2.2, loading jQuery, using Google Analytics and loading Google Fonts, the only thing Lighthouse is complaining about is accessibility things (it doesn't think the contrast ratio for links/buttons is high enough). Most definitely wasn't that high without using Cloudflare Fonts.

I made an error Digital Point please help. I chose the option for r2 storage in my settings and a bucket. Click saved and all my images are gone lol. I gambled and I paid for it. Is there a way for me to revert everything back? Thanks
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