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Developer Kit 1.1

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guiltar submitted a new resource:

Advanced phrase manager (Developer Kit) (version 1.0.2) - Find undefined and untranslated phrases

Developer Kit 1.02

1. Find all phrases for given given language and addon
2. Find untranslated phrases for given language and addon
3. Find phrases used in php code and templates (only master language)
4. Find undefined phrases used in php code and templates (only master language)

1. Upload files/directories under upload to your XenForo's root
2. Import addon xml
3. Enable debug mod

1. The processed addon should be placed in...

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This doesn't seem to be showing up.

I wonder if it is because I already had developer mod turned on when I installed this. Would that affect this any way?
Thank you so much for you help.

Confirmed working, XF 1.1.2 :)

(am a little puzzled why my admincp is a little wider, but not worried so much).
I use xenforo in a foreign language audience where there is a good translation available. Whenr I would upgrade the translation file, all my previous changes would be nulled, is that right? Can your addon help me to update only the phrases that are not changed directly by me?

1. Xenforo language (master language)
2. Foreign language xml installed for xf 1.0
3. I change some phrases
4. Foreign language xml installed for xf 1.1
-> I do want to upgrade the language files, but I don't want to revert the changes made in step 3.
Hint 4 @Marcus: You should make your custom translations as a child language set to the default translation file. This way you can update the default language file without losing the custom translations. :)
It is intended, it seems.

Turn on Debug Mode go to Admin CP > Development > Admin Templates and I think it's DevKit.css - clear this and it will remove all customisations. That's what I did :)

Great add-on, guiltar, but definitely not ideal to force a style change on people. Would definitely be better as an option :)
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