As designed Deleting the first post

Yes, that is correct. The first post of the thread is essentially the thread. Without the first post of the thread for the most part the rest of the thread would have no context.

A message is displayed whenever you are trying to delete the first post of a thread that this will happen.
Workaround in case you really want to delete the first post without deleting the thread:
Move the first post to a new thread and delete that new thread afterwards.

Though as pointed out, in most cases a thread without the first post does not make much sense.
No guys I'm not agree with you, because if I want delete a post I want delete a post, not the thread.
The software should give me this possibility to do that and not delete all the thread content without to ask me if I want that.
One thing is deleting a thread and another thing is deleting a post, is not the same.
In a forum could be a reason for deleting a post, also the first.
In my case a deleted old user created the first post in a thread where him only add a photo with 2 words of text, but the user who answer to that post have described more better the item shown (in the first post) with a little review, so the content was really complete in the second post. For this (and for SEO reasons) I toke the image of the first post and added to the second post to delete the first, to create a more complete content starting from the first post. All the thread was deleted without to ask me if was that what I wanted and it was an important thread, now totally deleted. This is not normal and not good.
If I want delete a post the first or the last it doesn't matter, I'm only deleting a post. If I want delete the thread is there the command to do that.
No guys I'm not agree with you, because if I want delete a post I want delete a post, not the thread.
Well, it doesn't really matter if you agree or not ;)

It has been designed this way (which isn't uncommon, vBulletin for example has the same behaviour) since version 1.0 and most likely won't ever change.

As pointed out, in most cases this is a non-issue and there are workardounds if it really would be necessary to delete the first post without deleting the thread.
In my case a deleted old user created the first post in a thread where him only add a photo with 2 words of text
You mean the old user created the thread and you deleted the thread.

The first post is the thread.

There are workarounds to change the first of a thread as mentioned. Including first moving the post into a new thread.

Deleting the first post always has and always will be equivalent to deleting a thread.
Well, it doesn't really matter if you agree or not ;)

It has been designed this way (which isn't uncommon, vBulletin for example has the same behaviour) since version 1.0 and most likely won't ever change.

As pointed out, in most cases this is a non-issue and there are workardounds if it really would be necessary to delete the first post without deleting the thread.
My friend maybe for you it doesn't matter, but for who develop the software can be interested in this seeing that is not a normal behavior. If I want delete a post is not mean that I want delete a thread, the thing is simple, are 2 different commands and as this should work. IMHO.
Then I let you also know that I have used from 10 years Vb on 4 forums and for 4 years Phpbb and both haven't this behavior when deleting a post or the first post. So be careful when you are doing these affirmations.
Is like I modify a post and I delete the first line of text content in it, then I save and I found the post deleted... Why? Because the first post without the first line of text haven't sense. I don't know who decide this. The system?
An admin if need to delete only a post or the first post, should have the possibility to do it. For me. Then if for you is ok that you tell the software to make an action and after you see that the software have made another action, you will not found me agree with you.
And as you can see also Chromaniac is telling that also for him is a not normal behavior so that we have to make some strange procedure to avoid the problem.
Tbh. I don't really remember how vb3.x and ipb behaved when first post of the thread was deleted. I was just talking about current experience. It still gets me sometimes. I end up deleting whole threads while cleaning posts with dead embeds from Twitter and YouTube. Since embedding media content is relatively new, I probably didn't need to do it so regularly in early 2000s. But these days it's a regular thing. In the last two months alone I have cleaned up 20K posts because of dead embeds on my board... 💆‍♂️

A good example where first post might not be super crucial wrt the whole thread is for movies. First post has a YouTube trailer. That video is deleted by the channel. Now it needs to be cleaned. Entire thread has value despite that first post with a dead YouTube embed.

It would be nice to get a checkbox option maybe while deleting first post of a thread... But I guess there is not much demand for such an option 😔
You mean the old user created the thread and you deleted the thread.

The first post is the thread.

There are workarounds to change the first of a thread as mentioned. Including first moving the post into a new thread.

Deleting the first post always has and always will be equivalent to deleting a thread.
It's mean that the old user have created a thread and now I want only delete the first post and not the thread.
If for example a spammer open a thread and after many users begin to speak about that argument, sure I will not want to delete that thread but only the post of the spammer and is not possible to do it. To do that is possible only to move the others posts in a new thread as you say. But why to move the posts in a new thread if I can modify the existing one?

The first post is not a thread. The first post is the first post. The sum of all posts (also if there are 2) is a thread. The first post is a thread only when aren't any answers to this post, if not is only the first post of the thread.
Another example.
I have a thread of 200 pages with 20 posts in each page that is named "Friend's Bar".
If for example who have opened that thread is been banned for some important reason and I want keep that thread open but don't want show anymore that him have opened, by changing few line of the second post, I can be interested in delete the first post and let the thread start with the next post modified. But is only another example.
Also this is an operation that is rare that is been made (to delete the first post) but the software cannot delete you all the thread without you don't know as too me is succeeded.

Just a warning message was good to tell you:
Hey be careful because deleting the first post, you are deleting the entire thread. Are you sure to do this operation??? and you should have to click on YES or NOT

Not only the thread is been deleted without to know it, but it was also physically deleted so that when you will understand this behavior of the software deleting that post, your thread is just totally lost.
Also with RSS Feeds could be useful this normal function, that should make what you ask and not other. Is not that I go to delete a thing as a post and I found deleted another as the thread, a category or a forum or every other thing. At least the forum should advice you before to let you deleted contents without confirmation.
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