
  1. Mr. Jinx

    Add-on Easy way to anonymize users (batch update)

    Instead of deleting old inactive members, I want to anonymize inactive accounts. Reason: When you delete a members, the proces is irreversible and all posts are assigned to one guest users. This has some downsides. By anonymizing accounts, you still have all posts assigned to an identity, and...
  2. Kruzya

    Fixed Undeleted threads with deleted first post

    How to ..? Login as generic user (without any specific permissions). Create thread. Write any post additionally. Login as moderator. Delete post #2. Move post #1 to another thread. Expected result: Created thread should be hidden/logically deleted because there are no one visible post for...
  3. Wildcat Media

    Beta Delete private conversations in bulk.

    Did a staff member accidentally send out a bulk private conversation to the forum membership? That happened with us. As a result, we had over 39,000 private conversations all originating from one user, not only clogging up his inbox, but getting into the inboxes of all the forum members who...
  4. M

    As designed Deleting the first post

    I have noted that deleting the first post of a thread, the entire thread is been deleted.
  5. Mr. Jinx

    XF 2.1 Remove files with add-on?

    I have an add-on that installed some extra javascript libraries using build.json (additional_files). For a newer version of the add-on, those libraries are not needed anymore. Is it possible to uninstall / remove those files for those who are going to upgrade the add-on?
  6. AndrewSimm

    [Andrew] Soft Deletion Requires Reason 1.0

    [Andrew] Soft Deletion Requires Reason requires moderators or admins to enter a reason when deleting a post or thread. This addon updates the reason field to "required='true'". Features: Require reason when deleting post or thread Permissions: Delete any thread or post without reason (Forum...
  7. Haydric

    Unmaintained [H] Thread Owner Rights Lite 1.0.1

    This is the lite version of my main Thread Owner Rights Add-on. Gives your members based on node and or usergroup permissions the ability to edit any posts in threads that they create and soft delete posts in thread that they create.
  8. A

    Lack of interest Improving the clarity of terms: remove vs delete

    Use remove for delete (as in permission_forum_deleteAnyThread). Use delete for hard-delete (as in permission_forum_hardDeleteAnyThread). Removing = changing the location or position of an item to be out of sight (can be undone or redone). Deleting = erasing or obliterating an item (cannot be...
  9. Codeless

    XF 1.5 Multi Select users name & delete

    Hello anyone can tell me on this place how can i selected multiple username and delete them
  10. Azaly

    Duplicate Account deactivation/deletion

    Forums become very social and as social sites users aware about ability of deactivation their profiles or even deletion of their accounts like in the facebook. Most common reasons: User need to get off-line for long time and wants to show other users that they will not be acceptable in their...
  11. D

    XF 1.5 I can not delete or edit a link forum .

    Hi, plz need help, i can not delete or edit a link forum ( The requested link forum could not be found. ) and i can not find it in the database. ( xf_link_forum ) Before this happens, i had been able to create multiple links, without any problems, only happened with this one. Can you help...
  12. steamy001

    XF 1.5 Deleting multiple nodes

    Is there a way to delete multiple nodes or at least delete many nodes before rebuilding permissions etc.?
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