XF 1.5 DB collation to easily upgrade from XF1.5 to XF2


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BD collation to easily upgrade from XF1.5 to XF2?

I will install XenForo for the first time, but there is a theme with XenForo2 collation that uses "utf8mb4", with which collation I create my BD in XenForo1.5 so that it is easy to update to XenForo2?

utf8_general_ci ?
The default DB collation for XF1 is utf8_general_ci. New installs for XF2 will be utf8mb4_general_ci.

XF2 will work with the old collation, utf8_general_ci, but there will be a special CLI script you can run to convert the tables to utf8mb4_general_ci: php cmd.php xf:convert-utf8mb4.
Well, it's in the current developer previews. It has been adjusted slightly for beta 1.

We were originally going to use the utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation but this poses some problems when converting tables containing existing data.
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