Awaiting feedback Dark style border at bottom left of footer

Mr Lucky

Well-known member
Affected version
2.3. beta 6
My very good friend Dr. Nitpicker just tapped me on the shoulder and says there is something very wrong about the border at the bottom left corner which shows up only if your desktop is quite dark:

Just so I'm clear, what is that background image? Is that on the forum itself or is it your operating system desktop wallpaper or another window?

I assume it's one of the latter ones. Which means I think the arrow in your screenshot is pointing to the bottom left corner of your browser window which I think means it's just what your browser is doing with its rounded corners and not something we have any control over.
Just so I'm clear, what is that background image?
Yes, that is my desktop wallpaper.

However All browsers I have (Safari, Chrome & Firefox) do have rounded corners. Had it just been safari I would agree nothing to do about it - you cannot design for just one browser.

Obviously it's no big deal and it only shows when (1) the push notice is there, (2) when it's' dark mode and (3) only on dark desktop wallpaper. Plus you have more important things to do. You can happily ignore this. But Mr OCD Nitpicker is still going to nag me until I remove the border :)
Does this happen on other sites (particularly ones with a dark mode)? This is likely just the window decorations drawn by the operating system itself, in which case there's nothing we can do about it.
I only notice it on xenForo. I think it is caused by notice border which has no border radius, ie square corners but being cut off by the rounded corners of the browser. I can "fix" it by giving .notice the same border-radius as the browser.

Dark mode xenForo against a darkish wallpaper:

Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 16.01.28.webp

If I give it border radius 10px then the border radius follows the browser corner:

Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 16.02.38.webp

It is very minor though but
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