CustomImgCaptcha: Spam Combat 2.4.1

CustomImgCaptcha: Spam Combat 2.4.1 2.4.1

No permission to download
Trying to get this addon to work on my site again .. ACP->Options->CustomImgCaptcha has broken links for the four default images.. right-click->view image info results in image type of text/html .. please advise
Unless I can take a look at your sever environment, I'm a bit stumped.

All I know is that this works for everyone else, and you are seeing some sort of envionment issue

If you could PM me the full details of you Envionment

1) Database and version
2) Operating system and version
3) Web Server (and version)
4) PHP version
5) If you have anything out of the ordinary for your environment (like using cloudflare... cdns for all images, non defaut set up for htaccess ...etc) let me know

This might give me a clue to start searching around, but to me it looks like it has something to do with the permisions of the image folder
The images are grabed via the database, for you we know the images are correctly stored in the database, the img.php file should update the header to the correct Content-Type, but for you /data/customimgcaptcha/img.php?public_uuid=etc is returning a broken link (I think this is permisions related for the data folder, but I'm just guessing), I need more info from you

I can send you some files over so you can test a few things, but I'll need you to work with me if you want me to support your environment (it might take a few tests until we know what's going on)
It should be the default permisions that you have when setting up XenForo:

3. Setting Permissions

Once the files are finished uploading, you must set permissions (or CHMOD) several places. This is necessary to ensure that XenForo can write to those parts of your server. You can usually do this with your FTP client.
  1. In the set of files and directories you just uploaded, you will see 2 folders: data and internal_data.
  2. These two directories must be set to world writeable (CHMOD 0777) or give the IUSR_ Full Control in Windows

What would really help is an error/warning message.
If you have CPanel installed, then you might have these warnings/errors here:

Last couple of days I am getting this error when some users try to register:

Your registration was rejected due to a security error; press back, refresh the page and try again.

Just tried myself and I get the same error, Any ideas? Many thanks
That's not to do with CustomImgCaptcha (it's not a CustomImgCaptcha Phrase)

Do you still get this error when you turn off the CustomImgCaptcha plugin?

You could try un-intalling and re-installing CustomImgCaptcha (could be a corrupt table)

1 other person has seen this error (but they didn't have customImgCaptch) and found it was something to do with XenUtils... It may/may not be the case this time

Yeah it was XenUtils, but I turned off spam management. Weird.

Have you recently updated / changed any of your plugins?
Yup, it's a phrase in XenUtils:

<phrase title="registration_rejected_time" version_id="21" version_string="1.2.1"><![CDATA[Your registration was rejected due to a security error; press back, refresh the page and try again.]]></phrase>

This error happens if:

($timeMin && ($data['time'] < $timeMin || $data['time'] > $timeMax)


$timeMin = $options->EWRutiles_registration_timemin;
$timeMax = $options->EWRutiles_registration_timemax;

these are both defined in your ACP

$data['time'] is defined as XenForo_Application::$time - $timeForm;

and $timeForm = $this->_input->filterSingle($options->EWRutiles_registration_timefield, XenForo_Input::UINT);

so... that's the issue.. XenUtils assumes the form will contain a hidden field (EWRutiles_registration_timefield)

you're using a custom form in your case (FBHP), so that field isn't present
You could probably add that field, I haven't looked into it though (look at the XenUtils registration template / fields added to the registration template hook, and find that timer field... then add it to the FBHP template)

Or.. since FBHP already has a timer option, can you not turn the timer off in XenUtils?
I think just setting $timeMin to 0 in XenUtils might solve this, since

(0 && ($data['time'] < $timeMin || $data['time'] > $timeMax)) = false
Are you sure it's a 5.4 issue. I use php 5.4 locally (and develop in 5.4) and haven't seen this issue

Any Errors any where?
Do you have php logs switched on?
Are you sure it's a 5.4 issue. I use php 5.4 locally (and develop in 5.4) and haven't seen this issue

Any Errors any where?
Do you have php logs switched on?
[06-Feb-2013 16:31:51] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/user/public_html/data/customimgcaptcha/img.php:21) in /home/user/public_html/data/customimgcaptcha/img.php on line 63
[06-Feb-2013 16:41:25] PHP Warning: include(../../library/config.php) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/user/public_html/data/customimgcaptcha/img.php on line 21

i just migrated to new host.. from apache to litespeed..

I am gonna try uninstall and reinstall this to see if it fixes it.
PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/user/public_html/data/customimgcaptcha/img.php:21) in /home/user/public_html/data/customimgcaptcha/img.php on line 63

That's very useful, I might be able to do something about this.

I don't get this error myself, so I'll need you to retest it.

I've actually been looking at some of the core functionality that changes the headers, so I might be able to fix this

I take it you don't see this error when trying to open an attachment (since this is where XF adds headers... and I can use a similar method)
That's very useful, I might be able to do something about this.

I don't get this error myself, so I'll need you to retest it.

I've actually been looking at some of the core functionality that changes the headers, so I might be able to fix this

I take it you don't see this error when trying to open an attachment (since this is where XF adds headers... and I can use a similar method)
yes, attachment works fine :)
That's very useful, I might be able to do something about this.

I don't get this error myself, so I'll need you to retest it.

I've actually been looking at some of the core functionality that changes the headers, so I might be able to fix this

I take it you don't see this error when trying to open an attachment (since this is where XF adds headers... and I can use a similar method)
uninstalling and reinstalling did not help.
Please get this fixed asap. As it helped reduced 99% spam.
Okay, I'm going to set up a similar vpc environment to you (I may need to change a a chunk of this to get it working for your environment). I've only been told about this issue for one other person ... it seems to work for everyone else, but I'll try to fix it so it works for everyone

I'm using : Ubuntu OS 12.10 (32 bit)/ light speed webserver (4.2.2 std) ... anything else I need / should change before I start testing this?
uninstalling and reinstalling did not help.
Please get this fixed asap. As it helped reduced 99% spam.

Okay, this version should fix your issue.

There is no need for the data/customimgcaptch folder any more... so there will be no permission issues
This now uses the view to change the headers (similar to how XenForo attachments work), so you shouldn't see any header issues

To be honest, I really wasn't happy with how this was done before, I'm much happier with it now (it's cleaner and more correct in XenForo context)
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