CustomImgCaptcha: Spam Combat 2.4.1

CustomImgCaptcha: Spam Combat 2.4.1 2.4.1

No permission to download
image links are broken in the data folder customimgcaptcha images... please advise

I've just tested a fresh install and don't see this issue.

This sounds like it can't get to the data folder, make sure you have the following path:


If these paths are present, do an un-install and a reinstall of this plugin
okay, what do you mean exactly

Is this when you go to the admin control panel, then goto options >> CustomImgCapcha

and you see broken links for the images?

If so, can you PM/Conversation me the URL of those images (right click the broken link and copy the url of the image), this might be a environment that I haven't tested.

Can you also let me know the PHP version and the operating system

Thanks, I'll try to get to the bottom of this...
FYI - Spammers have all died off with all of this work over last several day..... I have over nine pages of logs blocking countries IP.. so that is still buzzing along like crazy
i don't understand where the page is to add/edit captcha images. it's not in the installation section.

edit: nevermind, i see that it is in it's own options section.
This is a debug file (just for masterchief )
I'm fairly certain this is environment related (since myself and others are using it), but the php version should be fine, is it a MySQL,Apache,Unix environment?

Can you just replace the img file with this one temporarily:
(it's annoying not being able to send files via conversations)
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