Not a bug Custom User Fields Under Personal Details


Active member
Affected version
2.0.0 RC1
Few Custom user fields, which are not to be shown during registration (and hence set not required but editable once after registration), are set to be in Personal details.
However, those fields are nowhere visible to be edited/filled after registration in User CP.
Can you provide the details of the specific user field configuration that you think should work but doesn't and what the actual results are vs. what you expect?

I have a number of custom fields and they appear under "Account details" as I expect them to. You can see a number of custom fields set up here:

Contact based custom fields will appear in the "Identities" section as you see here.

Preferences will appear on the preferences page.
Thanks. My goof up.
One of the date fields was set editable once.
After the upgrade, due to random date formats entered by users despite a note on the format, they dates started showing wrong -- defaulting to 1970. Have removed the editable once restriction and it's all fine now.

Sorry for this goof up :(
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