Fixed Custom titles incorrect after import from vB3.8.1 to XF2


Active member

So I am getting numbers showing up in member profiles after importing that should not be present based on the content of their profiles in the vB 3.8.1 database.

For instance, a user has a custom title in vB of "Professional Trainwreck" and that somehow got changed to "2". I checked their profile in XF 2 and it now shows "2" for the custom title. As far as I can tell, this is happening for any user that has a custom title set. The number shows up in front of the location field,


Users that don't have a custom title seem to have a random number in that place.


Why is the number 63 being put in there? When I view the user profile in XF, it does not show up in the location field, so there is no way I can remove it. I noticed that this user's year of birth is 1955, which makes him 63 years old. Is this supposed to show his age? If so, is there a place where I can change that setting?
You're correct that would be the age. I'm not sure what exactly you're wanting to change, but the extent of what you can change for the screenshot in question is the member_tooltip template.
For the top image, the 2 is not the user's age. It is their custom user title. That one I can actually edit in the user profile. I don't understand why that is being changed during the import process from the custom title the users already have on vB to "2" for all of those users? I guess it is not a huge deal. I can just tell all my users they will have to redo their custom titles after the site goes live.

As for the age, not all my users want their age displayed. Is the only way to remove it by editing the member_tooltip template?
I think there is a bug with the custom title conversion, so I'll move this to importer bugs, though in the mean time, those values would have to be reset manually.

In terms of age display, this is a privacy setting per user. This is something we try to import (if the source DB has a similar concept).
In terms of age display, this is a privacy setting per user. This is something we try to import (if the source DB has a similar concept).

I didn't see an option in the user profile to hide the age. Would they do that by simply not putting their birth date in their profile?
Custom titles didn't import for me titles were set to either 1 or 2. Users without one it displayed a 0, but didn't show up, ideally be nulled?

But from
vB 4.2.5
Xenforo 2.0.12
Importer 1.0.2
Custom titles didn't import for me titles were set to either 1 or 2. Users without one it displayed a 0, but didn't show up, ideally be nulled?
Same problem here. I guess if we can find the correct field and table name, we can execute a SQL statement to NULL the field.
This has now been fixed for the next XFI release. (Unfortunately, it would require a fresh import to resolve the issue and import the correct titles.)
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