Custom Tabs

Custom Tabs 1.6.3

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Thanks so much for this add-on @Siropu (y)

I'm trying to create a custom menu but my problem is I can't get rid of the default XF tabs.

For example, I created a forums tab that looks like this -

But how do I get rid of the original "Forums" tab that's part of the XenForo installation?
Helo siropu,

Is there a way on mobile/pc when parent Tab(javascript:void(0)) is in hamburger menu for small size screen to see child tab ?

Thank you
Would I be able to add a new signup tab, set the color of the tab, and have a page where people can sign up to the forum?
I just installed this, looks great.

I made a signup tab,

How can I change the Tab Color so it stands out.
I only see this
Example: font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline; color: orange;

I wanted to change the color of the Tab itself?

color: orange; will make the tab text orange.
background: red; will make the background red.
Just use the color you want instead. To combine them, place them inline.
color: orange; will make the tab text orange.
background: red; will make the background red.
Just use the color you want instead. To combine them, place them inline.

Thanks that was what I needed to know, Worked out great :-)

Thanks! After creating three tabs, the menu arrows are overlaying on the tab title. Any idea what is causing this?


Also, when selecting NEWS or REVIEWS tab, it also highlights FORUMS tab and hovering does not open the FORUMS dropdown menu if either are selected.

Hey Siropu.

For some reason, links aren't working on my Help and Advertize tabs.
See here:

None of the sub-links are clickable.
I don't have this issue on my Wallet and Bets tab. Here's my setup,


Any idea?
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