XF 2.3 Custom prefixes

Old Nick

Well-known member
Following this resource (not for XF 2.3 but...), why custom prefixes are not styled by variation?
The syntax of the code is however the same as the original ones
&.label--yellow { .m-labelVariation(black, #ffff91, #e6e687); }
&.label--orange { .m-labelVariation(black, #ffcb00); }

&.label--error { .m-labelVariation(#c84448, #fde9e9, #c84448); }
&.label--campBase { .m-labelVariation(#0099cc, #e6f9ff); }
&.label--permaculture { .m-labelVariation(#ac3939, #f9ecec); }
You'll typically want to use the .m-colorScheme mixin to target color schemes (light/dark):
    // normal rules (default color scheme -- light in the default style)

    .m-colorScheme({{ $xf.style.getAlternateStyleType() }},
        // alternate rules (alternate color scheme -- dark in the default style)

However you can target specific variations if you want:
    // normal rules (system or implicit default variation)

    :root[data-variation="alternate"] &
        // alternate rules (explicit alternate variation -- will not override based on system color scheme)

At the end of the day they're both just data attributes on the HTML element (data-variation...
Initially, it appears that some labels are styled for the alternative style, while most are not.

The question then becomes: what is the syntax in a LESS template to target specific style variations?
For instance, how does one create a label for the light style and then create a corresponding label for the dark style?

Thank you.
You'll typically want to use the .m-colorScheme mixin to target color schemes (light/dark):
    // normal rules (default color scheme -- light in the default style)

    .m-colorScheme({{ $xf.style.getAlternateStyleType() }},
        // alternate rules (alternate color scheme -- dark in the default style)

However you can target specific variations if you want:
    // normal rules (system or implicit default variation)

    :root[data-variation="alternate"] &
        // alternate rules (explicit alternate variation -- will not override based on system color scheme)

At the end of the day they're both just data attributes on the HTML element (data-variation and data-color-scheme) which are present when an explicit choice is made and absent for the system variation (in which case we assume the default variation and delegate to @media (prefers-color-scheme) for overrides).

If you use style properties with variations enabled, it's handled for you automatically:
    // ... the label mixin ...
    .m-labelVariation(@xf-textColorMuted, @xf-contentAltBg);
    // ... or even just regular old rules ...
    color: @xf-textColorMuted;
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If you use style properties with variations enabled, it's handled for you automatically:
Oh i understand, so using m-labelVariation with HEX or hsl code is of no use, since we do not provide it with a color variable which contains the 2 colors (default/alternative), am I right ?

&.label--campBase { .m-labelVariation(#0099cc, #e6f9ff); }
&.label--permaculture { .m-labelVariation(#ac3939, #f9ecec); }
Yes exactly, in that case you would want to use the mixin:

    .m-labelVariation(#0099cc, #e6f9ff);

    .m-colorScheme({{ $xf.style.getAlternateStyleType() }},
         .m-labelVariation(#0099cc, #e6f9ff); // change these

    .m-labelVariation(#ac3939, #f9ecec);

    .m-colorScheme({{ $xf.style.getAlternateStyleType() }},
         .m-labelVariation(#ac3939, #f9ecec); // change these
Yeah. If you're using a style from a vendor the usual caveats apply where you'll generally want to make customizations in a child style. You just create a new style property, give it a name, title, and description, select the value type, select the color sub-type, and enable variations for it. Then it can be referenced in LESS via @xf-yourPropertyName.
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