XF 1.5 Custom Fields for user's eyes only


Before going much futher with with this, I've used custom fields in vB to store authorization codes for my software which allows users to look up their code. When importing vB into XF, those fields were populated. They are not currently showing on the Profile Page of the users and I think that is a Styles issue, but my question is this - If I get the custom fields to show, can I make them show just for the logged in member and not to visitors to their page?
In that case, I'm trying to get it to show. Here are my details for this custom field:
Custom User Fields > Edit Field > Basic Information > Display Location > Personal Details
Custom User Fields > Edit Field > General Options > The ONLY box that is checked is 'Viewable in message user info'
Style > Default Style > Style Properties > Message Elements > 'Show custom user fields' is checked

As administrator, if I search for my my member account, I see that the field is populated. If I go to Personal Details, the field does not show.
I also tried this after moving the field to the Contact Details page and it doesn't show there either.
What am I missing?
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