XF 1.4 Custom CSS User Ranks Not Working


I've been having a few problems when trying to add my own user ranks that I have made, here is the code below that is in EXTRA.css, it doesn't show up on my forums despite the user being a part of the "test" user group. Not quite sure what the problem is, any help appreciated. Thanks! :D

color: transparent;
background-image: url('http://gyazo.com/9f2bca891105101971ab177623063fc6.png');
display: block;
height: 25px;
width: 121.5px;
margin-top: -4px;
What was the issue?

And just make the issue the size you are defining in your code, not sure it will stretch to fit otherwise?

I'm sorry I was just reading over this and I totally missed what you said!
the issue was I had to add a title in "user banner text" in the user group. Didn't think that was necessary but it made it work though!
Thought I'd reply just in case some one else might have this problem and happen to stumble upon this thread!
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