Fixed Custom Admin Navigation not shown


Active member
Affected version
I'm feeling out porting add-ons from xf 1.x to 2.x and added some custom Admin navigation to match what I have in 1.x. For some reason it isn't shown in my navigation, even with the "hide if there are no child elements" box unchecked. I'm sure this is probably user error on my part, but thought it worth checking. Initially I was getting some permission-denied errors because my internal_data folder contents didn't have the correct permissions. Oddly enough it would actually show in that case, but with the wrong title "admin_navigation.title" instead of "title".

You can see from the image below it should be above Setup:

Screen Shot 2017-09-08 at 10.13.57 AM.webp
No, but that has actually already been fixed through another bug fix. I had a feeling it might be that, but I needed to double check -- you just confirmed it though, so we can call this fixed.
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