CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
hi @Brogan few questions:
  1. does this work with widget framework.. i want to place few FTs as well as recent threads widgets on the homepage... better still it would nice if you can include more widgets/blocks in your addon to become a full fledged portal
  2. Can we feature Resources too?
1. Yes. It's mentioned in the FAQ: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/cta-featured-threads-portal.2599/field?field=faq
Q. Is this add-on compatible with the [bd] Widget Framework add-on?
A. Yes, see this post for details: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/featured-threads-paid.64261/page-22#post-703310

I believe @Martok uses it with that add-on.

2. Not the resource no, the code is completely different for threads and resources. The associated thread can be featured though.
I'm not sure if this is possible, or even interests you, or even sounds a bit pointless to everyone other than me.

I run FT as my home page, and it would be great if there was an area to put some welcome text at the top of the list of FT's. Something which picks up the style properties used by the FT's so it looks in keeping with the page (see image below)

I've had a look at Notifications, but can't see how to get one to display just on the FT home page and nowhere else. A custom notification I could put on just this page would work just as well though - as per image below...
Yes, as Steve has pointed out, you can use the template name or you can also use the tab name, which is ctaFt.
Suggestion: Add option for choice the location to image/avatar, left or right. (For individuel thread featured)

This function will add an important visual to use this add-on as a portal (article)


Hi @Brogan

Love this add-on - great work. Just install the latest version.

I have been playing with the following parameters in the styles:

  • Feature Overlay Maximum Height
  • Update Overlay Maximum Height
I set both to 450 but the feature frame does not seem to change:

feature size.webp

This should adjust the size of the feature correct? I have made these numbers over 1ooo but nothing seems to change. I am using UI.X - could it be an issue with the style? or do I have i miss understanding of how to change the size of the feature and these params.

Brogan updated CTA Featured Threads & Portal with a new update entry:

CTA Featured Portal

CTA Featured Portal has arrived!
Err, I mean CTA Featured Threads 2.5 is now available.

I might as well rename it to that because that’s what it is now.
How the hell did that happen?

Once again, this update has the potential to break stuff so follow these instructions carefully.

Due to the page options changing to introduce the Home tab, the cache needs to be updated.
Until it is, errors may be generated and pages could fail to load....

Read the rest of this update entry...
Now that this add-on has evolved into a portal, there are a couple of other features which I am planning to add.

I've already mentioned that auto featuring based on selected forums will be implemented.
There's also a function related to managing featured threads from the page which I will be looking at.

Feel free to make other suggestions.
Don't be offended if I don't add them though :D
I'm pretty happy with my current portal solution, so with that being said is this update necessary feature wise if I have no desire to change my homepage requirements?
You don't have to enable the portal functionality.

It does though contain a few improvements unrelated to the portal feature, so it's still worth upgrading.
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