CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Im by no means an expert on the subject but wanted to point out that when i googled my domain name a google image preview appeared under the first three results.. Instantly noticing some of the images as my own i clicked on the image tab from google search page and every single image im using on Featured Threads was indexed and within the first 30 results google slurped up about 12 FT images which is probably 70 percent of the images im using ATM.. Dont know if its just a coincidence or some serious SEO voodoo happening but it was enough to impress me...
This add-on has nothing to do with xenporta.

You will need to post your question in the xp thread.
Lol, you just beat me to editing it. I meant to say: Is there anyway to remove the home breadcrumb "like" on xenporta?

With xenporta there is no home breadcrumb on the portal home page and want to replicate it if I bought this addon.
I searched this thread for adding adsense between the featured items, which apparently can't be done... so how does one ad adsense to the sidebar of the featured page only?

Wanting to use it as a homepage.
There are three custom templates on the page you can add your own content to.


However, if you use the standard ad_sidebar_* templates, the ads will also show on the page.
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