XF 1.3 CSS help, need white background in prefix selector


Well-known member
Due to various CSS modifications my background in the prefex selection box have become transparent.

Can anyone help with code to make it white?

Skærmbillede 2014-06-29 kl. 02.22.16.webp
I'd be slightly concerned as to why it has gone missing, because the background is provided by the secondaryContent class which is one of the core CSS classes that is used pretty much everywhere. Are you sure that's the only place which is affected?

Aside from that, to fix specifically that area, something like:

    background: @primaryLightest url('@imagePath/xenforo/gradients/category-23px-light.png');

That should return it to how it is designed in the default style...

If you want something more primitive:

    background-color: white;
I'd be slightly concerned as to why it has gone missing, because the background is provided by the secondaryContent class which is one of the core CSS classes that is used pretty much everywhere. Are you sure that's the only place which is affected?

Thanks, Chris, for helping me, again :D.
You are right, this is not the only place affected, also search box and a couple of other places, but that have been solved. Probably happened because I have made style changes for secondary content to make the right column look like I want it to.
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