I am using the code below for limited content to guests.
it looks this way, but
but the solved topic appears to be content
When this is marked as resolved, the content is completely visible.
My question will be this. How can I structure the resolved issue in the same way.
<!----300 karakter başı--->
<article class="message-body js-selectToQuote">
<xf:ad position="post_above_content" arg-post="{$post}" />
<xf:if is="{{$xf.visitor.isMemberOf([1])}}">
<xf:set var="$snippetPost" value="{{ snippet($post.message, 100) }}" />
{{ bb_code($snippetPost, 'post', $post) }}
<xf:if is="$snippetPost != $post.message">
<div class="blockMessage blockMessage--important blockMessage--iconic">
İçeriğin tamamını görüntülemek için <a href="https://www.maasmutemetleri.net/forum/sayfa/altin_uyelik_premium/">Özel Üye</a> olmanız gerekmektedir.
{{ bb_code($post.message, 'post', $post) }}
<div class="js-selectToQuoteEnd"> </div>
<xf:ad position="post_below_content" arg-post="{$post}" />
<!----300 karakter sonu--->
it looks this way, but
but the solved topic appears to be content
When this is marked as resolved, the content is completely visible.
My question will be this. How can I structure the resolved issue in the same way.
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