Could be the biggest news EVER

Fred can probably fill this in better as he seems to have a deeper understanding. IIRC Einstein saw that as something approached the speed of light, time would slow down and stop at the speed of light. I think even he had trouble though with greater than light speed. Does SR totally preclude >c?
Time doesn't slow down, it just APPEARS to slow down. There's actually a decent explanation of this in Young Einstein :)
This could be the most exciting news ever and could change what we view as our limits to move among the stars.


I suspect what will be the case is that a number of neutrinos were able to pass through Einstein Rosen bridges in the quantum foam. They don't travel faster than light, it only appears that way to the external observer.

I think it's very important news. When you think about space travel to other solar systems and the time it would have took and the limits it imposed, judging from us never being able to travel faster than the speed of light. The implications are just huge! It opens the door with space travel and possible Stella exploration well beyond what we've always thought possible
I think it's very important news. When you think about space travel to other solar systems and the time it would have took and the limits it imposed, judging from us never being able to travel faster than the speed of light. The implications are just huge! It opens the door with space travel and possible Stella exploration well beyond what we've always thought possible
"Stella exploration"? I've often wanted to explore Stella!

If the neutrino thing is true then new scientific theories will have to be made. This is not a blow. It is the nature of science. Good scientists are actually eager to disprove existing theories because that is progress. It's not like the existence of faster than light neutrinos will dispose of the light speed barrier. You just have to change light speed theory to allow an exception for neutrinos. Easy.
CERN experiment had "loose wires".
Major Face Palm.

Faster-than-light neutrinos: Was Einstein wrong or was the wire loose?

GENEVA/CHICAGO—The world of science was upended last year when an experiment appeared to show one of Einstein’s fundamental theories was wrong — but now the lab behind it says the result could have been caused by a loose cable.

Physicists at the CERN research institute near Geneva appeared to contradict Albert Einstein’s 1905 Special Theory of Relativity last year when they reported that sub-atomic particles called neutrinos could travel fractions of a second faster than light.

Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, which underpins the current view of how the universe works, says that nothing can travel faster than light, and doing so would be like travelling back in time.

James Gillies, a spokesman for European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, said on Wednesday the lab’s startling result was now in doubt.

More at
The biggest problem with this from the beginning was the fact that it was difficult to peer review and replicate this experiment. CERN is the only place that could even do this and there was always the knowledge that even the smallest issues with hardware would have rendered this experiment as moot.
Note to CERN:

You got the order wrong

1) Weird Neutrino results you know are super unlikely.
2) Press conference about (1)
3) Check for loose wires.

The correct order is 1) 3) 2).
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