XF 2.1 Core HoneyPots


Well-known member
When someone registers, there are HoneyPots to try and stop bots. I have some questions about them.

1) How can I enable them so I as a user can see them on the register form?
2) If a bot fills them out, is that information stored, and if so where?
3) If they are filled out, how does it reject the bot?

I will probably have more questions.
Yes, that works fine, thank you. :)

Now my list is down to this:
1) How can I enable them so I as a user can see them on the register form?
2) If a bot fills them out, is that information stored, and if so where?
3) If they are filled out, how does it reject the bot?
No, the data is not stored.

They are rejected because the field is filled - a human registering would not see the field and therefore wouldn't enter anything.
Not tested but try adding this to extra.less

.formRow.formRow--limited {
display: table;
That's helpful but seems to display only one of the four "Spam Catcher Fields" I see in the register_form template.

EDIT: Interestingly it does display all of the hidden fields but only if you don't use the popup registration form... if you navigate to yoursite.com/register it does diaplay all of the hidden fields.
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That's helpful but seems to display only one of the four "Spam Catcher Fields" I see in the register_form template.

EDIT: Interestingly it does display all of the hidden fields but only if you don't use the popup registration form... if you navigate to yoursite.com/register it does diaplay all of the hidden fields.

That is because it inserts two of them at random, they are like that to confuse the bots.
Does anyone know what file handles the registration rejection process of a bot fills out a core honeypot? Or what file handles registrations in general.
Okay, I have found them at, src/XF/Service/User/Registration.php and src/XF/Service/User/RegisterForm.php. Now in the register form one I see this:

class RegisterForm extends \XF\Service\AbstractService
    protected $hashedFields = [

    protected $honeyPotFields = [

Question I now have is how do I extend this to add my own entries to the protected $hashedFields and protected $honeyPotFields?
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Ok, so I have created a file in src/addons/SPAMINATOR/XP/Pub/Controller/Register.php

In this file I have the following code:

namespace SPAMINATOR\XF\Pub\Controller;

use XF\ConnectedAccount\Provider\AbstractProvider;
use XF\ConnectedAccount\ProviderData\AbstractProviderData;
use XF\Mvc\ParameterBag;

class RegisterForm extends \XF\Service\AbstractService
    protected $hashedFields = [

    protected $honeyPotFields = [

class Register extends XFCP_Register
    public function actionHelloWorld()
        return $this->message('Hello world!');

Now I also created a class extension in the ACP:
Base class name: XF\Pub\Controller\Register
Extension class name: SPAMINATOR\XF\Pub\Controller\Register

It is enabled and assigned to the addon.

Now if I go to mysite.com/index.php?register/hello-world I see a Hello World message which is good.

Problem is, when someone registers, and fills out one of the honeypots that have a name of "accepts" the registration is not denied, which it should be.
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