Not a bug Copy-pasting formatted strings removes formatting

S Thomas

Well-known member
Affected version
Most likely a Froala one, but anyways reporting here.
Take a hint string from for example /admin.php?options/jQuerySource/edit&group_id=performance

This is how it's previewed:
qpnlk-2018-05-11 02.58.19.webp
This is how it's displayed:
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _ only
It's not actually a formatted string. I'm not really sure why you're seeing it as italicised as the default CSS sets font-style: normal on form row hints, but even so, if the styling is set using CSS we generally can't bring that across when copying and pasting. If it was formatted as <em>A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _ only</em> then it would.
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