XF 2.0 Converting to utf8mb4?


Well-known member

Where do I find information to convert my DB to utf8mb4?
My tables are still utf8_general_ci after the upgrade from XF 1.5 to 2.0 beta1

Thanks :)
I'm prepping for a possible 2.0/2.1 upgrade.

Which fields does conversion act on? I really would want it to apply only to the text in posts, conversations and profile posts (not in titles or anywhere else--we have too many members who might abuse it).

Is the code easy enough to modify so I could avoid converting what I don't want converted? (Or at least, let me know which directory it is in, so I can take a peek.) And, are there any issues to worry about re: ElasticSearch?
Even if it was possible to only convert selected tables or fields, our input filtering works on all input so it wouldn't be possible to prevent utf8mb4 going into fields that didn't support it, and that would generate invalid string errors.
I have 1.5.24 with utf8_general_ci so i need to update to utf8mb4 before upgrade to xenforo 2 or after?

About this commad
php cmd.php xf:convert-utf8mb4

where is to run in phpmyadmin or ssh?
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