converting a huge community to xenforo


my friend and me(i was the CEO) are curious about how much it will take to convert a community with this stats to xen foro:
users: 747,653.
messages: 83,613,000.
threads: 9,054,146.
forums: 938.(including subforums)
Average users online: 23,000.

it may be possible that the owner of the forum will consider switching the forum software, because VB is realy heavy, slow, and causes alot of problems with the search... (when users search alot the forum crashes)

and we wanna know if xen foro 1.1 can handle this stats with minimum troubles.
Any forum that large will struggle with search.

There is a big board search solution currently being developed which you would definitely need with that number of threads and posts.

XenForo has been designed to scale well, but a lot will depend on your server hardware and configuration.
ok, and do you have an idea how much time itill take to convert all this to xenforo? the forum is using the lastest VB.

Based on my experiences, you would probably be looking at around 40-50 hours on the import of data, depending on what search solution you use (I would deffinately reccomend sphinx for so many posts) you would be looking at adding a few more hours on top of that.
All I can say is the following:

Lock your forum, backup the database and then re-open your fourm.

Use that database backup to play with the import over and over and over and make sure you get the process down to a science. Our forum (a very early adopter) with roughly nearly 4 Million posts took a long time to do the import so you're going to see it take a while.

We actually use Sphinx for our search engine and it's nearly instant as you'll see at :)

We're going to test the XenForo addon for big board search when it comes out but Sphinx works very well... a community member here did the plugin for it.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or the like, I will gladly help out and offer advice from a real world perspective.

Based on my experiences, you would probably be looking at around 40-50 hours on the import of data, depending on what search solution you use (I would deffinately reccomend sphinx for so many posts) you would be looking at adding a few more hours on top of that.

Probably longer than that honestly...

Our import took almost an entire day (when we moved to production) and that was on a dedicated SQL box with SSD's to try to optimize the speed.
...Our forum (a very early adopter) with roughly nearly 4 Million posts took a long time to do the import so you're going to see it take a while...
Probably longer than that honestly...

Our import took almost an entire day (when we moved to production) and that was on a dedicated SQL box with SSD's to try to optimize the speed.
I am reasonably certain they have sped up the importer since the early days, at least the reports of how long it takes to import seemed to be improving.
Based on my experiences, you would probably be looking at around 40-50 hours on the import of data, depending on what search solution you use (I would deffinately reccomend sphinx for so many posts) you would be looking at adding a few more hours on top of that.
Thanks for the info, and ill see into the sphinx solution. wait, you said 50 hours :O...
All I can say is the following:

Lock your forum, backup the database and then re-open your fourm.

Use that database backup to play with the import over and over and over and make sure you get the process down to a science. Our forum (a very early adopter) with roughly nearly 4 Million posts took a long time to do the import so you're going to see it take a while.

We actually use Sphinx for our search engine and it's nearly instant as you'll see at :)

We're going to test the XenForo addon for big board search when it comes out but Sphinx works very well... a community member here did the plugin for it.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or the like, I will gladly help out and offer advice from a real world perspective.

yes, this is what we will probably do, i think a temporary forum will be a good idea too.
Probably longer than that honestly...

Our import took almost an entire day (when we moved to production) and that was on a dedicated SQL box with SSD's to try to optimize the speed.
LOL, great news :) thanks god im not the one that is going to do that job(if we decide to switch).
Just have a very powerful computer ready to execute the job from your side of the switch, and [maybe] have your host add a SSD to their cluster to help facilitate the move.
XenForo can handle the load. See this post:

Keep in mind that vBulletin uses MyISAM tables while XenForo uses InnoDB. You may need to revisit your MySQL configuration to optimize for InnoDB.

Increasing the batch sizes of the importer can speed things up a lot if your server can handle it:

If it's a very large database then you might be able to improve performance by increasing the batch sizes for each import step. Edit this file:


Search for 'limit' =>. You will find a limit defined for each import module.
A proper setup for 1 million posts can take an hour, not including the search rebuild.
Please use the cli to rebuild search index, don't use the xenforo browser option.

read/write on the hard drives have an impact on huge forums.

I've converted a 4 million board in the same day. (8gb ram)
And I've converted a 1,5 million board on sata2 drives no raid, and it took me a full weekend. (12gb ram)
A proper setup for 1 million posts can take an hour, not including the search rebuild.
Please use the cli to rebuild search index, don't use the xenforo browser option.

read/write on the hard drives have an impact on huge forums.

I've converted a 4 million board in the same day. (8gb ram)
And I've converted a 1,5 million board on sata2 drives no raid, and it took me a full weekend. (12gb ram)

Again this seems wrong to me. I did my test import on a sata2 no raid setup with a 2gb ram setup and it only took a couple of hours...
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