Convert Image All

Convert Image All 6.8

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Spent a good bit of time getting everything set up on the server because I really need this to work. was excited when the very first attempt said "successful" but in testing all browsers and a mobile device, the image is still hotlinked. I see that there's no support for the addon so won't bother asking for help. Beggars can't be choosers, eh?
Spent a good bit of time getting everything set up on the server because I really need this to work. was excited when the very first attempt said "successful" but in testing all browsers and a mobile device, the image is still hotlinked. I see that there's no support for the addon so won't bother asking for help. Beggars can't be choosers, eh?

Try editing a post to see if there actually is still a link or if it has been converted to an attachment.
Hello Andy,

Would you be kind to add an option (both in this addon and "Convert image") to white list / regex some urls/paths?
I need this because I have XF MG and if a user upload an image in the gallery and paste the image url, I'll have the same image in the gallery and as an attachment.
Doesn't make sense to have the image in both places.

Hello Andy,

Would you be kind to add an option (both in this addon and "Convert image") to white list / regex some urls/paths?
I need this because I have XF MG and if a user upload an image in the gallery and paste the image url, I'll have the same image in the gallery and as an attachment.
Doesn't make sense to have the image in both places.


I would be happy if this addon will have option of white list, which I could add my two domains with pictures.. ;)
Thank you for making this addon, I have just tested this on some Photobucket heavy posts and it works great.

Does anyone know how I can remove the link to Photobucket from those images though? I imagine having a global option is not the best way, as some images will have useful links to external sites.
After having a play with this addon, it looks like when the user has embedded a Photobucket generated thumbnail linking to the full image ("th_" prefixed jpg) it only pulls in the thumbnail rather than the full image. Is there anyway to overide this and get the full image please?
tmp directory is 777 but perhaps I have entered the path incorrectly? Any help appreciated.

Server Error
touch() [<a href='function.touch'>function.touch</a>]: Unable to create file /home/amphicar/tmp/convert_1966800278 because No such file or directory
touch() in Andy/ConvertImageAll/ControllerPublic/ConvertImageAll.php at line 158
Andy_ConvertImageAll_ControllerPublic_ConvertImageAll->actionUpdate() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/amphicar/public_html/index.php at line 13
Was this actioned? If not, is it on the roadmap or likely?

Is it a correct assumption that it will start at the lowest postid and works upwards, so that the oldest posts are first. Meaning there will likely be a lot more manual manipulation required at the beginning, since older posts are more likely to have 404 images than recent ones.

I have 55,000+ posts with img tags, and even if I only get 10% with 404s - that's still over 5,000 (possibly some with multiple img's too) I'll have to action manually. For me, not sure the ROI if I'll have to manually manipulate that many (if I can indeed be bothered :) ) :eek:
I would like to see this feature too. It would be great to have the 404 IMG's be replaced with a text like [MOD]Image not working anymore, removed [/MOD]
Any idea how to get this to work with these plugins for S3 storage?

I get this error when trying to convert an image:

Server Error
touch(): bdDataStorage_StreamWrapper_S3::stream_metadata is not implemented!

  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError()
  2. touch() in Andy/ConvertImageAll/ControllerPublic/ConvertImageAll.php at line 487
  3. Andy_ConvertImageAll_ControllerPublic_ConvertImageAll->actionUpdate() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
  4. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  5. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /Volumes/www/community/index.php at line 13
Wooh :)

Hopefully everything will work fine :).
How does this interact with the proxy image option? Do image proxies have to be turned off for this to work, or will it work just fine with them on?
What do you guys use for "Limit the number of posts to convert at a time." ?
I can only use 100 fine, but using 200+ will make make it timeout.
(Maybe adjusting PHP max execution time will help?)
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