Conversion from phpbb3.1


Well-known member
I realy love xenforo project and I want to move from my phpbb3.1 board. Is there any tutorial how to convert my database from phpbb3.1 to xenforo?
Phpbb3.1 is different than phpbb3 so please dont link me old tutorials.
There isn't any specific tutorials as the process is mostly the same regardless of the source forum.

You can see the general gist here:
Importing | XenForo

I don't recall when PHPBB 3.1 was released. We haven't yet had any reports of the existing PHPBB 3.0 importer not working, though it would be recommended to test the import on test data first before committing to it on your live data.
XenForo doesn't currently support importing directly from phpBB 3.1 (unless they haven't updated that).
We don't not support it, if that makes sense.

It really depends how much the schema changed between 3.0 and 3.1.

We haven't yet had any feedback to say it doesn't work, but it hasn't been tested either. If you run into any issues @MattiGB then let us know :)
I do vaguely recall someone mentioning problems importing from phpBB 3.1, but we haven't really had many questions about it. The importer has currently only been tested with 3.0.
Ok I used phpbb3.0 importer. There is one problem, I don't see any counters of posts. All topics and posts are hidden for normal users (admin can see them). How can I fix it?
You may need to rebuild the caches for the counters.

The second issue is likely related to permissions.
You will need to check all user group permissions.
There's a link to a guide in my signature.
After I accept one post to be visible to other users I get error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 44 bytes) in forum/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php on line 304
We did a bit more looking into it last night and there are a fair number of changes, notably surrounding some of the issues you've run into -- the big one will be post and thread states. This is really something that can only properly be addressed with a new importer to support the changes.
You can try setting the discussion_state and message_state values in the thread and post tables to "visible" (and emptying xf_moderation_queue).
UPDATE xf_thread SET discussion_state = 'visible';

UPDATE xf_post SET message_state = 'visible';

TRUNCATE table xf_moderation_queue;

Be aware that will make all threads and posts visible.
You may want to add WHERE clauses to only change those which aren't deleted.

So that would be these queries instead:
UPDATE xf_thread SET discussion_state = 'visible' WHERE discussion_state = 'moderated';

UPDATE xf_post SET message_state = 'visible' WHERE message_state = 'moderated';

TRUNCATE table xf_moderation_queue;
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